- Cyclist understand the need to keep their airway free. The faceGlove and our bala do this perfectly.
- Cyclist cannot risk having their glasses fog up. Again our unique solution ensures that a riders airways are unobstructed preventing any goggle fog.
Cyclist often wear glasses, our faceGlove is designed to work with glasses or goggles.
- Cyclist understand the advantage of layers. Our two part system allows for an unprecedented number of ways to protect your face.
- The compact nature of our products lend themselves perfectly to cyclist who have extremely limited storage.

faceGlove: winter face protection for cyclists
I try to connect with each person that purchases one of my products to thank them, ask how they learned about OuterU, and get a better understanding of how they plan to use it. One particular use case that has been coming up more and more often is using a faceGlove for cycling in the winter. And while this was not a use case I initially thought of when I created the faceGlove, wow does it make sense! Using a faceGlove or even our entire face protection system, is the perfect solution for cyclist for the following reasons: